React + Redux + AW

React Redux Academic Works


  1. Learn something new.
  2. Feel empowered to dig into this code in our app.


I like jQuery
Typical jQuery event handler
$( ".item" ).on( "click", doSomething );

But sometimes this gets messy...


Document Object Model

Virtual DOM

React Components

Most basic React Component

class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
    return (

Hello World

); } } // Example usage: <HelloWorld />

Why JSX?

because this is the alternative

return React.createElement(
  'p', {className: 'greeting'}, "Hello World"
Nasty nested 🎄 code

React.createClass({displayName: "ExampleComponent",
  render: function () {
    return (
      React.createElement("div", {className: "example"},
       React.createElement("h1", null, "Example Component"),
         React.createElement("ul", null, React.createElement("li", null, "One item"),
           React.createElement("li", null, "Another item"))

JSX gotchas

You have to use className because
class is a reserved word in JS.

class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
  render() {

Hello World

; } }
You can't render adjacent elements
without wrapping them in a parent element.
This would error...

return (
You have to do something like this instead:

class Profile extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
{ this.props.displayName }
); } }


Passing data from one component to another

Props are just like HTML attributes.

They pass additional information to an element.
Call child component with the prop tagline...

return (
  <Header tagline="Thank You, Come Again!" />
Access data in child component via this.props.tagline

class Header extends React.Component {
    return <h2>{this.props.tagline}</h2>
jsbin props


Let's revisit that typical jQuery event handler

$( ".item" ).on( "click", doSomething );

Handling Events in React

  • use camelCase, rather than lowercase like you can do with HTML
  • With JSX you pass a function as the event handler, rather than a string.

<button onClick={activateLasers}>
  Activate Lasers
jsbin events example


Props are constant

Values that get passed from parent to child components.

State changes

State is an object. Any component can have state.

The way we add state to a component is
with the class constructor method.

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    // get initial state
    this.state = {
      foo: {}

  updateFoo(foo) {
      foo: foo



Stateless Functional Components

A more simple component

const DumbComponent = (props) => {
  // no need for render() method

  return (


); }
  • Just a function that takes in props and spits out HTML.
  • Removes the need to bind the this keyword. (Feature of ES6 arrow function)
  • Signals that this component is dumb/presentational.
  • UI not behavior
  • Protects from lazily dropping in state or lifecycle methods


What problem does Redux solve?

  • Provides a way to centralize the state of a front end application.
  • It's goal is to be a predictable state container.

Concepts in Redux

  • Components
  • Containers
  • Store
  • Actions
  • Reducers
  • Selectors


  • As dumb as possible
  • Solely responsible for for the way things look


  • Can be thought of as "smart" parent components
  • Pass sections of the store to child components
  • Also delegate what actions components can dispatch


  • Master version of the initial state
  • Will usually have several seperate branches of state


  • Responds to events. User triggered, AJAX, etc.
  • Sends a payload of the current state + the type of event that occured


  • Take information about the state and what action occured
  • Spits out an updated version of the state


  • Efficiently computes and stores derived data
  • Only recomputes if one if its arguement changes
  • Common use case is calculating numbers (ie. currency)

React Rails

  • Adds Babel to our Asset Pipeline so we can transpile JSX & ES6
  • Gives us a Ruby helper method to drop a mounting point into Rails Views

# View Helper's Signature
react_component(component_class_name, props={}, html_options={})

# Our Usage
react_component("SM.ACARootComponent", @operation.to_hash)
